1. How do I get a library card?
Library cards are offered free of charge and replacement cards are $1.00. We recommend that each member of family has their own library card. A photo ID (such as a driver’s license, state issued ID card, passport or military ID) and proof of residence (such as a bill with your current address, renter’s agreement, etc.) are required at the time of registration. Minors must be accompanied by their parents, since the parent must complete the library card application. Cardholder information must be updated every 12 months. If your card is lost or stolen, please report it to the library as soon as possible, so we can prevent unauthorized use.
2. I am not a resident of Brewster County. Can I still get a library card?
We offer 6-month visitor cards for $15. Alternatively, you may visit your home library first and apply for a TexShare card. Once you have a TexShare card, you may present it at any participating Texas library that you would like to join, and they will issue you a card from that library.
3. How many items may I check out?
Twenty items per patron. Up to 4 out of the 20 materials may be movies on DVD.
4. How long may I check out materials?
If you are a member of the library in good standing, you may have movies on DVD for one week. WiFi hotspots are available for checkout for one week. All items, including hotspots may be renewed once if no one has put the item on reserve, but please note that, due to demand of hotspots you may not be able to renew their checkout.
5. Do I have to come to the library to renew materials?
Although we would love to see you, the answer is no. You can access your library account at any time by logging in to our catalog web page. All you need is your library card number and your phone number. You may also renew materials by phone or by emailing desk@alpinepubliclibrary.org.
6. My materials are late. What do I owe you?
We do not charge specific fines for late materials at this time. However, your generous donations help keep the library open. If you would like to make a donation, you may place it in the jar kept at the circulation desk.
Patrons receive e-mail and/or telephone notices when materials are 7 and 14 days past due. At 45 days past due, the item(s) will be considered lost and the patron will be billed for the cost of replacement plus a replacement fee. If the patron does not respond within another 10 days, charges over $25 will be referred to a collections agency and assessed the $10 collections fee.
7. What if the material I borrowed is damaged or lost?
You will be charged the replacement cost of the lost or damaged item plus a processing fee. New or used materials will not be accepted as replacement for lost or damaged items. Please contact the library where the material was borrowed from to find out the replacement cost.
8. What if you don’t have the material I need?
If we don’t have the material you need, we will borrow it from another library through Inter-library Loan. When the material arrives (usually within 2 to 6 weeks) we will contact you and you may pick up the material. The charge is $1.50 per material to pay for postage. Payment is due when you pick up the material. Please return the materials to the Alpine Public Library. You can also order inter-library loans by logging in to your library account. Join the Friends of Alpine Public Library and receive up to 10 ILL’s free each month.
9. What do I need to do to use your internet computers?
Sign in at the front desk.
For children under 15, there are four children’s computers that have parental controls.
10. Do you have wireless internet access?
Yes–look for the “Patron 2” network when you set up your laptop. We will hand you a password at the front desk. There is no charge for accessing the internet. We do, however, charge 25 cents per page for black and white prints and copies, and $1.00 per page for color prints and copies.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at desk@alpinepubliclibrary.org